Special Orders Anywhere C#
Stardew Valley Mod with 2.5k unique downloads Source Code GO was generated from a csv file
Spookify Express
This ghost knows about your Spotify listening habits
Concealed JavaScipt
A short browser game made at a hackathon
Image Encoder Python
Encode a secret message into your PNG (write up in readme)
CryptoCrowdFund Solidity, Brownie
Eth smart contracts for crowdfunding
tripsit-api Node package
A wrapper for's API
Tetris React, Redux
It's Tetris in your browser!
Breakout Game JavaScript
A small browser game with some bricks and a ball
MakeSite GO
Generates pretty HTML from .txt or .md files
Rainbow.css & Rumble.css CSS
A couple fun CSS libraries to make your html rainbow and look like it's shaking if you want
Reddit WebScraper GO
Scrape posts from reddit with filters Express, WebSockets
A chatroom webapp Node.js, MongoDB, MailGun
Document your experiences while receiving important harm reduction information
Ethereum 2.0
Why you should care about Eth2
AutoZoom Medium
How I automated joining my zoom classes on time with GO
Hash Tables Medium
How hashtables work and what they're good at
Dockerizing a Spigot Server Medium
How to dockerize a game server with persistence!
I'm planning on moving all of these to, because Medium caps how many articles you can read for free